Oil Painting Box Superior Van Gogh Talens

In a luxurious wooden suitcase


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Oil Painting Box Superior Van Gogh Talens

Suitcase with all the necessary materials for painting with painting oils. The Van Gogh Superior Box wooden case by Royal Talens contains 32 20ml tubes of Van Gogh oil, 2 60ml tubes of Van Gogh Oil and auxiliary materials. Ideal for a gift. In a luxury wooden case. The case contains the following colours in 20ml tubes:

Zinc White (104), Titanium White (105), Light Oxide Red (339), Azo Red Light (312), Madder Lake Deep (331), Sap Green (623), Violet (536), Sevres Blue (530), Yellow Ochre (227), Naples Yellow Deep (223), Azo Yellow Lemon (267), Azo Yellow Light (268), Azo Yellow Medium (269), Azo Yellow Deep (270), Naples Yellow Light (222), Naples Yellow Red (224), Azo Orange (276), Azo Red Medium (393), Azo Red Deep (313), Quinacridone Rose (366), Ultramarine (504), Cobalt Blue Ultramarine (512), Cerulean Blue Phthalo (535), Phthalo Blue (570), Turquoise Blue (522), Permanent Green Medium (614), Yellowish Green (617), Emerald Green (615), Phthalo Green (675), Raw Sienna (234), Burnt Sienna (411), Burnt Umber (409), Vandyke Brown (403), Ivory Black (701)

Also included:

  • Tube 60ml Oil paint 104 Zinc White
  • Tube 60ml Oil Paint 105 Titanium White
  • Talens Odorless White Spirit 75ml (Odorless white spirit solvent)
  • Talens Painting Medium 75ml (Linseed oil for oil paints)
  • Glossy Talens Oil Paint Varnish 75ml Painting Varnish Glossy
  • Varnish 75ml Retouching Varnish
  • Talens Painting Paste 60ml
  • 1 flat brush with synthetic hair size 10
  • 1 flat brush with synthetic hair size 12
  • 1 round brush with pork hair size 4
  • 1 ox hair brush size 8
  • 1 round brush with ox hair size 4
  • 1 spatula
  • A plastic container with 3 painting and drawing charcoals
  • Double pallet container for liquids
  • Wooden pallet
  • Cleaning cloth Van Gogh
  • Colour mixing leaflet

Painting with Vang Gogh oil paints is a joy. Whatever oil painting technique you use, the dense texture of Van Gogh oil paints gives beautiful results. Choose the colours you want from a large and wide range of colours. Van Gogh oil paints are characterised by their high quality, the fineness of the materials, the intensity of the colour, the high content of pigments and the durability of the colour over time.

  • High quality
  • Strong and intense colours
  • Soft colour texture
  • Easy to mix and use
  • High content of pigments
  • Same degree of gloss and texture between all colours
  • Stable drying for colour durability over time
Weight 6700 g
